Tencent Digital (translator: Rabbit) Garmin sports watches has always been synonymous with high quality and reliable, and most recently, the latest flagship model of Garmin, this Fenix ​​3 has launched three different versions of HR, Sapphire and Chronos. Among them, Fenix ​​3 HR has the longest time to experience, not only has all the functions of other Garmin sports watches, but also incorporates the heart rate monitoring function.
The price of Fenix ​​3 HR is not cheap, reaching 599 US dollars (about 4020 yuan), and is a gray / silver version of the basic. The Fenix ​​3 HR weighs 82 grams and the body thickness reaches 16 millimeters. This Fenix ​​3 HR incorporates virtually all of the latest technology from Garmin and will not be outdated in the coming years.
So when competing with opponents like Polar, TomTom or even Apple Watch, does Fenix ​​3 HR still have a strong appeal when the price is a bit higher than the opponent? Let’s take a look.
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Design and function
If you like arrogant style, Garmin Fenix ​​3 HR is indeed very much in line with your aesthetic. That's right, Fenix ​​3 HR man. The exposed screws and metal frame are very much in line with the man's temperament, and it is also a very attractive GPS watch.
You can wear the Fenix ​​3 HR every day to go out. Whether it is daily life or sports or adventures in nature, the only problem with the Fenix ​​3 HR is that the watch is too big to hide under the sleeve, so you have to do it. Awakening the Fenix ​​3 HR to the outside.
For the fruit powder, the addition of the new generation of Apple Watch Series 2 to the GPS support finally puts itself back into the embrace of the Apple Watch, even though compared with the Fenix ​​3 HR, the Apple Watch still lacks a considerable number of sensors.
In addition, although the Fenix ​​3 HR is very bulky, there is no need to worry about the wearing comfort, especially the more elastic silicone strap it uses, it is very comfortable to wear. This means that we can bring the Fenix ​​3 HR to the most effective part of the heart rate monitoring without being too tight or too loose.
Whether it is a marathon, hiking, skiing or a variety of sports, Fenix ​​3 HR is basically without any anomalous effects and is very comfortable.
Tracking data
When you want to start tracker, it's basically hard to find a product that rivals Fenix ​​3 HR. As the flagship model of Garmin, whether it is running, cycling, swimming, skiing, hiking, surfing, golfing, boating, hunting, fishing or indoor gym. In addition, if none of these sports modes can cover your needs, you can also freely customize according to your own situation. In contrast, although the Polar V800 seems to support sports like Triathlon, it is still unable to compete with the Fenix ​​3 HR in sports diversity.
The interior of the Fenix ​​3 HR is equipped with many types of sensors, and this is one of the biggest highlights of the Fenix ​​3 HR. Examples include motion sensors, barometric altimeters, electronic compasses, heart rate monitors, ANT+, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and more. With such a wealth of sensors, coupled with future system updates, Fenix ​​3 HR has endless possibilities. Coupled with the addition of Connect IQ Store, this means that the future Fenix ​​3 HR can achieve more features, and even play simple games.
The Fenix ​​3 HR provides indicators that are also useful, including sunset time for friends who like to hike and decide when to start camping tents. In addition, the digital display of the Fenix ​​3 HR can be set up, so that whatever you need for cycling or other sports, you can display any desired features on the screen. And all this has made Fenix ​​3 HR different, anyone can create a personalized device and provide all the training needed. Even an additional Connect IQ Store store can be connected, allowing the Fenix ​​3 HR to track more data.
Heart rate monitoring
Having the heart rate monitoring function now seems to have become standard on high-end sports watches, and the advantage of doing so is that it can still accurately detect the heart rate without using chest straps and heart rate monitors. This is a good choice.
No matter what kind of exercise, it is always a good thing to be able to keep track of your heart rate at all times. One of the advantages of wrist rate monitoring is that you can quickly run or ride without any extra equipment, and you can Heart rate changes are adjusted in real time. Of course, perhaps this kind of heart rate monitoring is not 100% accurate, but it has fluctuations in sports training and does not need to be so strict.
If you look at the average from the long-term use cycle, Fenix ​​3 HR is basically a good accuracy in data and image finishing. In addition, these heart rate data can more clearly prove your level of exercise, and you can immediately see a summary of the live data on the Fenix ​​3 HR screen without having to connect to the app.
In daily sports tracking, Garmin has accumulated a lot of experience in the past few years, so the data is also more accurate. However, if you want to wear the Fenix ​​3 HR 24 hours a day, the most important thing you need to adapt to is the huge scale problem, especially if you want to track your sleep at night. During the day, the Fenix ​​3 HR also has a sedentary reminder function. If it does not move for too long, the Fenix ​​3 HR will remind us of the activity.
Because the Fenix ​​3 HR needs to perform better, we don't need to worry too much about the performance limitations of tracking. In the sleep tracking function, changes in deep meetings and light sleep can be tracked. At the same time, compared with a dedicated sleep-tracking app like ResMed S+, there is still a big difference from the data. Of course, for Fenix ​​3 HR, sleep tracking just provides a rough reference and is an additional feature.
If you connect to a smartphone after you turn on Bluetooth, there is basically no extra cost to the Fenix ​​3 HR. However, the most affected endurance ability is actually the opening of the location tracking function, which is also a consumption of smart phones.
At the same time, Fenix ​​3 HR can also display phone alerts, text messages and even third-party communications from the smart phone public security bureau, and can also read these message content. In addition, if you do not like it, you can set Do not disturb mode, selective filtering.
Garmin uses a unified Connect application for all of its devices, so Fenix ​​3 HR is no exception, and this application is now very mature, it can be very comprehensive for users to show the data from the Fenix ​​3 HR tracking, and Develop a complete basic plan to track and analyze our training.
Above the interface we can see the data, activities, and sleep status of the last workout. At the same time, you can further examine more in-depth details, including average heart rate, peak heart rate, and tempo. Basically, these data can easily find the specific indicators we need.
If you want to say anything, then it's just that Garmin has used the same app for all devices, and it feels a bit overwhelming. For example, this app hides a lot of sports and options, such as golf, news and other functions, and the interface is a bit too complicated. In fact, Jiaming can be further simplified, and allows users to customize different interfaces according to needs and different products.
Finally, the Connect IQ store mentioned above allows us to add some extra features, such as a "back to the future" style dial, and a free star interface.
Battery life
The very large Fenix ​​3 HR did not live up to our expectations in life, Garmin said that in the smart watch mode, it can be used continuously for 2 weeks, while in the UltraTrac training mode, 40 hours can be used while GPS continuous positioning tracking Can also have 16 hours of battery life.
If Bluetooth, heart rate monitoring, and Wi-Fi are used normally, Fenix ​​3 HR is not a problem for a week when it is used to track movements and display smartphone notifications with occasional GPS positioning. However, if you want to locate it at this time, you only need to open your smartphone for positioning.
Of course, if you have to ride a bike for a long time every day, and you turn on your GPS, the battery life will be less than a week. However, for charging using the traditional USB method, it is very easy to charge the Fenix ​​3 HR and it can be used with the rush.
to sum up
In general, GPS watches are most concerned about battery life, three defenses, accuracy, and sensor functionality. And this Garmin Fenix ​​3 HR can provide us with 7 x 24 hours of sports tracking, and can also display smart phone notifications like smart watches.
Although the Fenix ​​3 HR is bulky and bulky, the design is very rough and the App is very powerful but the interface is complicated. The only major issue that will hinder Fenix ​​3 HR from performing all-weather tracking is the problem of being too big to fit everyday.
Life is excellent;
Built-in large number of sensors and data tracking function;
Supports Connect IQ applications
The bulkiness is slightly bulky;
Application complexity;
The reminder function is not perfect;
Source: wareable
Original link: http://
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