Looking forward to the next wave of smart medical equipment

The era of intelligent medical care is an all-round information platform. Through the integration of various technologies, the interaction between patients and medical devices is achieved, and informationization is gradually achieved. In the near future, the medical industry will incorporate more high-tech such as artificial intelligence and sensing technology to make medical services become truly intelligent and promote the prosperity and development of medical services. In the context of the new medical reform in China, smart medical care is entering the lives of ordinary people. So, what are the characteristics of smart medical devices to meet future needs? The three aspects cannot be ignored.

First, analog filtering

Multiple filters are required for AED signal processing, and the same is true for most smart medical devices. The first filtering operation is used to eliminate background noise in the key signal components. The high pass filter is typically used to remove incoherent low frequency signals, and this typical value is set to 0.05 Hz in the AED. The low pass filter is used to remove uncorrelated high frequency signals and is typically set at 150 Hz in the AED. Other medical devices may use different filter configurations, but each device needs to set a filter to pass the most important signal portion of the diagnostic algorithm.

Second, signal processing

Once the signal has been isolated from any noise source, the key measurements will be directed to the critical timing and amplitude characteristics of the ECG waveform. The time period and amplitude measurements of the P wave, QRS wave, and T portion of the ECG waveform are important for establishing the rhythm (or failure) of the onset and progression of cardiac events. Other advanced diagnostics can be determined to take further action. For example, the average electrical vector direction of the heart (relative to amplitude) can be used to determine if there is a blockage or heart disease; this is also an important fact for a correct diagnosis. A working AED does not discharge when it does not detect the heart rate that it requires to appear. On the surface, the AED can be operated by the trainee. However, if you do not do so may be likely to die, it is worthwhile to try to follow the AED instructions, especially when you are able to be (possibly remote) medical staff.

Third, the human machine interface

The communication capability further enhances the emergency response, and intelligent monitoring and communication between the operator and the emergency service center can also improve the treatment effect. Although stored in an easy-to-view integrated terminal, the AED needs to be charged and periodically functionally tested, and if any test fails the AED can alert the service organization to replace the device. If someone tries to remove a device that fails the self-test, the AED can automatically find the closest work device using the local communication network and automatically direct the operator to the device point. This feature may play a key role in an emergency, such as some equipment that may be damaged or de-energized during an earthquake or fire.

The next wave of smart medical devices is the provision of intelligent diagnostic and treatment options that were previously only available in hospitals or medical offices. These devices are easy to use in the home, or in emergency medical situations, public places or offices, and even by untrained non-professionals. Maybe in the near future, if you are asked, "Is there a doctor in the room?", your answer may always be "yes", and this doctor is you.

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