MIPS Technologies is a manufacturer of high-performance, high-end and embedded 32-bit and 64-bit processors. The R2000 processor was introduced in 1986, the R3000 processor was introduced in 1988, and the first 64-bit commercial microprocessor R4000 was introduced in 1991. Later, models such as R8000 (in 1994), R10000 (in 1996), and R12000 (in 1997) were introduced. In 1999, MIPS released the MIPS 32 and MIPS 64 architecture standards. In 2000, MIPS released a new version for MIPS 32 4Kc and future 64-bit MIPS 64 20Kc processor cores.
Just like the Field of Light. This firefly lighting is made from fiber optic lighting. It creates an illuminated field of stems that, like a firefly in a free world, and it would burst into bloom at dusk with gentle rhythms of light under a blazing blanket of stars.
Great application lighting to home, hotel, garden, park, etc. In holiday, party and event, fiber optic lighting make the unexpectable effect, dreamlike, elegant, and holy. No matter in door decoration or outdoor landscape project, will leave deep impression without doube.
Fiber Optic Firefly Light,Firefly Light,Reed Light,Fiber Optic Light
ZHONGSHAN G-LIGHTS LIGHTING CO., LTD. , http://www.glightsled.com